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Viola tricolor




The principal uses of this remedy are for eczema in childhood and nocturnal emission accompanied by very vivid dreams.

Head.--Heavy, pressing-outward pain. Eczema of scalp, with swollen glands. Face hot and sweating after eating.

Throat.--Much phlegm, causing hawking; worse in the air. Swallowing difficult.

Urinary.--Copious; disagreeable, cat-like odor.

Male.--Swelling of prepuce, burning in glans. Itching. Involuntary, seminal emissions at stool.

Skin.--Impetigo. Intolerable itching. Eruptions, particularly over face and head, with burning, itching; worse at night. Thick scabs, which crack and exude a tenacious yellow pus. Eczema impetigonoides of the face. Sycosis.

Modalities.--Worse, winter; 11 am. Compare: Lycop.

Relationship.--Compare: Rhus; Calc; Sepia.

Dose.--Lower potencies.

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Homeopathy for total cure - Register appointment today - mail@shubhamhomeopathy.com | Customer Care No. +91 - 9824538105