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Penthorum sedoides



Virginia Stonecrop

A remedy for coryza, with rawness and wet feeling in nose. Throat feels raw. Chronic disorders of mucous membranes, with irritability. Chronic post-nasal catarrh; chronic pharyngitis, mucous membrane purple and relaxed. Posterior nares feel moist and raw; nose and ears feel full. Aphonia, hoarseness, relaxed vocal cords. Hypersecretion of mucous membranes. Itching of anus and burning in rectum. Trouble in pharyngeal vault and Eustachian tube.

Nose.--Constant wet feeling in nose, which no amount of blowing will relieve. Discharge thick, pus-like, streaked with blood. Post-nasal catarrh of puberty.

Dose.--Not very active, and better adapted to chronic affections; its use should be persisted in for some time. Lower potencies.

Relationship.--Compare: Penthororun often follows Pulsat. Sang; Hydr.


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Homeopathy for total cure - Register appointment today - mail@shubhamhomeopathy.com | Customer Care No. +91 - 9824538105