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Passiflora incarnata




An efficient anti-spasmodic. Whooping-cough. Morphine habit. Delirium tremens. Convulsions in children; neuralgia. Has a quieting effect on the nervous system. Insomnia, produces normal sleep, no disturbance of cerebral functions, neuroses of children, worm-fever, teething, spasms. Tetanus. Hysteria; puerperal convulsions. Painful diarrhœa. Acute mania. Atonic condition generally present. Asthma, 10-30 gtt every ten minutes for a few doses. Locally, in erysipelas.

Head.--Violent ache as if top of head would come off-eyes felt as if pushed out.

Stomach.--Leaden, dead feeling after or between meals; flatulence and sour eructations.

Sleep.--Restless and wakeful, resulting from exhaustion. Especially in the feeble, infants and the aged. Insomnia of infants and the aged, and the mentally worried, and overworked, with tendency to convulsions. Nocturnal cough.

Dose.--Large doses of mother tincture are required-thirty to sixty drops, repeated several times.


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Homeopathy for total cure - Register appointment today - mail@shubhamhomeopathy.com | Customer Care No. +91 - 9824538105