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The urinary symptoms are most important. Useful in renal colic, prostatic affections, and catarrh of bladder. Sensation as if bladder were distended, with pain. Pain going down thigh.

Urinary.--Black, bloody, thick mucous urine. Constant urging; great straining; pain down thighs during efforts to urinate. Can emit urine only when he goes on his knees, pressing head firmly against the floor. Feeling of the bladder being distended and neuralgic pain in the anterior crural region. (Staph.) Dribbling after micturition. (Selen.) Violent pain in glans penis. Itching along urethra; urethritis, with prostatic trouble. Inflammation of urethra; becomes almost cartilaginous.

Relationship.--Compare: Parietaria (renal calculi; nightmare, patient dreaming of being buried alive); Chimaphila (chronic catarrhal congestion following cystitis; acute prostatitis; feeling of a ball in perineum when sitting); Fabiana, see Pichi (dysuria; post-gonorrhœal complications; gravel; vesical catarrh); Uva; Hydrang; Berber; Ocim; Hedeom.

Dose.--Tincture, to third potency.


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Homeopathy for total cure - Register appointment today - mail@shubhamhomeopathy.com | Customer Care No. +91 - 9824538105