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Leptandra virginica



Culver's Root

A liver remedy, with jaundice and black, tarry stools. Bilious states. Enfeebled portal circulation. Malarial conditions.

Head.--Dull frontal pain; vertigo, drowsiness, and depression. Smarting and aching in eyes.

Stomach.--Tongue coated yellow. Great distress in stomach and intestines, with desire for stool. Aching in region of liver extending to spine, which feels chilly.

Stool.--Profuse black, fetid stools, with pain at umbilicus. Bleeding piles. Typhoid stools turn black and look like tar. Clay colored stools with jaundice. Prolapse of rectum with hæmorrhoids. Rectal hæmorrhage.

Relationship.--Compare: Podop; Iris; Bry; Merc; Ptel; Myrica.

Dose.--Tincture, to third potency.


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Homeopathy for total cure - Register appointment today - mail@shubhamhomeopathy.com | Customer Care No. +91 - 9824538105