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(Cow's Milk)
Introduced and proved by Dr. J. C. Boardman, of Trenton, New Jersey, who used Swan's 200th.
Many persons are very intolerant of milk, in whom it produces headache, "biliousness," intestinal flatulence and obstinate constipation.
These effects of milk were developed in the proving, especially the characteristic headache and constipation, and have been clinically verified. It is also well to remember that it develops or aggravates the uric acid diathesis, thus increasing, the rheumatic tendency, while the thirst and polyuria should call our attention to it as a remedy to study in diabetes.
In some highly sensitive women the effect on the function of the sexual organs is pronounced ; the menstrual flow being suppressed by putting the hands in cold water ; drinking a glass of milk will promptly suppress flow until the next period, mark the idiosyncrasy. Burnett remarks as a clinical fact that children who drink much milk after their teeth are fully grown become very liable to colds.
Like Natrum muriaticum, the potentized remedy will produce its characteristic symptoms, even when the prover is using ; it in the crude form at the same time.

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Homeopathy for total cure - Register appointment today - mail@shubhamhomeopathy.com | Customer Care No. +91 - 9824538105