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A Combination of Sulphonated Hydrocarbons, a Fossil Product of Complex Structure found in Tyrol, supposed to be Fish Deposits, contains 10 % Sulphur.

Its action on skin, mucous membranes, and kidneys is prompt and useful. It is strongly antiparasitic; redness, pain and inflammation; decreases tension. Excellent in winter coughs of old people. Polyarthritis. Chronic rheumatism. Uric acid diathesis. Hay-fever. Chronic hives. Tuberculosis, aids nutrition. Alcoholism when nothing will stay on stomach.

Mind.--Irritable and depressed. Forgetful, lack of concentration.

Head.--Dull, aching; better cold, pressure. Dull frontal and supra-orbital headache; worse moving eyes, cold air; better, warmth.

Face.--Skin feels dry and itches. Acne on chin.

Throat.--Irritated; pain to ears; sore, dry, with hawking and expectoration.

Eyes.--Burn, red; worse, any change of temperature.

Nose.--Bland coryza; stuffed feeling; feels sore inside. Irresistible desire to sneeze.

Stomach.--Disagreeable taste, burning sensation, very thirsty. Nausea. Increased appetite.

Abdomen.--Disposition to soft, shapeless stools. Griping in umbilical and left hypogastric region. Early morning diarrhœa.

Urine.--Increased in quantity and frequency. Burning pain in meatus. Uric acid deposits.

Female.--Fullness in lower abdomen. Nausea at time of menses.

Respiratory.--Coryza; dry, teasing cough. Bronchiectasis and phthisis. Bronchitis, especially of the aged.

Skin.--Heat and irritation; itching. Scaly and itching eczema. Crops of boils. Pruritus of pregnancy. Psorisis, Acne, rosacea, erysipelas.

Extremities.--Lameness in right shoulder and right lower extremity.

Relationship.--Compare: Hepar; Calc; Silica; Sulph; Ars; Petrol.

Dose.--Lower potencies.

Externally, it is used as an ointment, with Lanoline 20 to 50 per cent; for chronic eczema and psoriasis, also acne rosacea and gouty joints. Chilblains, scabies. Rectal suppositories for senile prostate.


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Homeopathy for total cure - Register appointment today - mail@shubhamhomeopathy.com | Customer Care No. +91 - 9824538105