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Hecla lava



Lava Scoriæ from Mt. Hecla

Marked action upon the jaws. Of great use in exostosis, gum abscess, difficult teething. Nodosities, caries of bone, etc. Osteitis, periostitis, osteosarcoma; rachitis. Tumors in general. Bone necrosis. Necrosis and sinus after mastoid operation.

Face.--Ulceration of nasal bones. Facial neuralgia from carious teeth and after extraction. Toothache, with swelling about jaws. Abscess of gums. Enlargement of maxillary bone. Cervical glands enlarged and indurated.

Relationship.--Compare: Silica; Mercur; Phos; Conchiolinum--Mother of pearl (diaphysis of bone affected; parts extremely sensitive to touch).

Amphisbæna-Snail-like lizard (great affinity for the jaw bones, worse by air and dampness).

Slag--(Great itching of parts).

Dose.--Lower triturations.


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Homeopathy for total cure - Register appointment today - mail@shubhamhomeopathy.com | Customer Care No. +91 - 9824538105