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Haematoxylon campechianum




Sense of constriction is characteristic. Sensation as if a bar lay across chest. Angina pectoris.

Head.--Feels constricted; heavy, hot. Eyelids heavy.

Stomach.--Painful digging from abdomen to throat, causing pain in region of heart with oppression. Colic, tympanitis. Borborygmi and diarrhœa. Swollen, painful.

Chest.--Constriction, extending to epigastrium. Sensation of a bar across chest. Convulsive pain in heart region with oppression. Great soreness in region of heart. Palpitation.

Female.--Pain in hypogastrium, attended with slimy, whitish leucorrhœa. Weak feeling, with painful bearing down sensation at menstrual period.

Relationship.--Compare: Cactus; Colocy; Naja.

Dose.--Third potency.


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Homeopathy for total cure - Register appointment today - mail@shubhamhomeopathy.com | Customer Care No. +91 - 9824538105