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Eugenia jambosa




Eugenia produces a state of intoxication like alcohol. Everything appears beautiful and larger; excitement soon changing to depression. Acne, simple and indurated. The pimples are painful for some distance around. Acne rosacea. Nausea, better smoking. Comedones.

Head.--Headache as if a board were lying on right side. Talkative. Hot lachrymation.

Extremities.--Nightly cramp in soles of feet (Cupr; Zing). Skin cracks about toes. Fissures between toes. Skin recedes from the nails, forming pus.

Relationship.--Compare: Eugenia chekun-Myrtus chekan (chronic Bronchitis); Antim; Berb aquif.


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Homeopathy for total cure - Register appointment today - mail@shubhamhomeopathy.com | Customer Care No. +91 - 9824538105