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Bambusa arundinacea

( BAMB. A. )
Spine; CERVICAL REGION. Female organs. Nose. 
Worse: COLD; draft of air. After parturition. Menses [before; at beginning of; during]. Warm room. Change of weather; stormy or rainy weather. Excitement. 
Better: External heat. 
Main symptoms 
• "It was noticeable that all the people who required bamboo as a remedy constantly supported themselves somewhere with their bodies, for instance resting their head on their hands, arms on the table, the back firmly against the back of the chair."
Ailments caused by a combination of stress at work, emotional stress, loss of [financial or other] support or help, move to a new place due to divorce or career. 
Feeling of being stressed, particularly by one's child/children. 
Ailments after parturition. 
• "Pregnancy without any desire for children, virtually in order to produce an heir, seems to give a Bamboo symptomatology."
• "At presen​​t 'everything gets on her nerves', she is irritable and 'stressed'; sometimes 'she would gladly abandon her child' [laughs inappropriately]. But she was irritable during pregnancy, too. The young woman feels 'the whole situation is too demanding for her.' The child cries too much. She thinks a lot about all sorts of things ['worries about everything']. The burden is too much for her."
• "'While nursing I have a terrible feeling. My mood is the same as when my mother died. I must always weep while nursing. I cannot and will not breastfeed any longer. I feel empty, miserable, depressed, drained of all energy. I am not the sort of person who can breastfeed her baby for a long time.' She feels completely stressed and almost persecuted by her crying baby. She lies in bed all day long and cannot take care of the household. Her husband had to stay home from work, then the mother-in-law had to move in to support her."
Feels like a caged tiger. 
Feeling of being imprisoned by duties. 
Desire to be free to do one's own things; to go back to the time before having children and all the work involved in having a family. 
Feeling of being overworked, overloaded, exhausted ['want to get rid of excess baggage']. 
Feeling as if everything is getting on top of me, unable to sort things out. 
Silliness and inappropriate laughter. 
Alternating with sleepiness and laziness. 
COLDNESS <. Chilliness. [Clinically verified] Great sensitivity to cold. Shivering. Cannot get warm in bed. 
 Sensation of heat; hot flushes. Cannot bear warm room; must have fresh air. Heat at beginning of menses. Cannot bear hot baths.  Perspiration. Profuse during sleep at night. Sweaty when eating. Profuse sweat in face. Sweaty from excitement. Perspiration smells like freshly made coffee.  Great hunger, even at night. Thirst at night. 
SLEEPLESSNESS or disturbed sleep.
On account of flow of thoughts, worries, dwelling. Feeling of panic at night. 
PAINS STITCHING; appearing and disappearing suddenly. Pains mainly in the extremities, particularly in the hands and the feet. Wave-like sensation. • Waves of burning heat along the spine. • Wave-like pain in head. • Wave-like earache. • Waves of nausea. • Vertigo as if floor were bouncing up and down like a wave. • Wave-like alteration between states of tension and relaxation.  Feeling of swelling / distension. As if cranium were swelling from eyebrows upwards ['hot-air balloon']. As if eyes were bulging out of head. Nose as if swollen. Cheeks as if swollen. Throat as if swollen. Cannot bear anything around throat. Feeling of distension, as if there were a large bubble in abdomen. Cannot bear a belt. G Increased discharges. [nose; saliva; mucus in throat; diarrhoea; flatus; urine; menses; perspiration] P Nose. Sneezing attacks; sneezing at the slightest cold. Obstruction of nose, < lying down and at night. Obstruction, alternating sides. P Painful STIFFNESS of NAPE of NECK.  [Turning head is difficult, painful, 
or results in cracking in cervical spine.] < Change of weather [to storm and rain]. < Cold; > heat. 
Pain extends to head and/or shoulder. 
• "With almost clinical certainty, Bamboo relieves a stiff neck even in 6c and12c potencies. It should be tried for acute disk problems." [Schuster] 
P Painful tension of breasts; before menses. [Clinically verified] 

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