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Cenchris contortric



Copperhead Snake

Like the other snake poisons, it affects the system profoundly. Like arsenic, it has dyspnœa, mental and physical restlessness, thirst for small quantities of water, necessity for having clothing loose, like Laches. Marked alternation of moods; vivid dreams. Is a wonderful restorative and deep acting remedy. Increased sexual desire in both sexes. Ineffectual attempts to recline. Right ovarian region painful.

Head.--Forgetful, absent-minded, alternating moods. Aching pain in left frontal eminence and left side of teeth. Swelling around eyes, aching and itching in eyes.

Heart.--Feels distended, fills whole chest, as if it fell down in abdomen; sharp stitches, fluttering under left scapula.

Sleep.--Dreams horrible and vivid; lascivious.

Modalities.--Worse, pressure; lying down; afternoon and night.

Relationship.--Compare: Ars; Laches. Clotho Arictans--Puff Adder.--Should have a great sphere of usefulness in many conditions where excessive swelling is a leading feature (John H. Clarke, M. D).

Dose.--Sixth potency.

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Homeopathy for total cure - Register appointment today - mail@shubhamhomeopathy.com | Customer Care No. +91 - 9824538105