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Carica papaya

Carica Papaya Mother Tincture
A small tree, grown throughout India, Papaya or Carica Papaya helps to relieve liver and digestive disorders .
Carica papaya MT is used in dyspepsia; conjunctivitis; enlarged liver, spleen and uterine disorders. The unripe fruit is used for stomachache, as carminative, diuretic. Its milky juice of unripe fruits is used as a cosmetic to remove freckles and other blemishes from the skin. Research reports state it to inhibit action of thrombin on fibrinogen. Latex useful for tumour, warts and cancer growth.
It is used in the early stages of jaundice, where the hunger is lost and there is pain in right side of abdomen which increases after lunch or dinner.
Good remedy to improve digestion, for those who cannot take milk or meat.
Stools are constipated, contain undigested particles, passes stool many times in a day.
Liver and spleen are enlarged with fever.
Great use in period flow, increases contractions in uterus.
Urine is dark yellow.
Mouth is bitter to taste.
Itching on lying down at night. Varicose ulcers
Asthmatic respiration. Pain in chest, going to shoulders, back, loins and abdomen, with urging to urinate.
Dose- 15 drops of Carica Papaya mother tincture in half a cup of normal water twice each day for 3 months, unless otherwise prescribed by physician. Can be taken along with other allopathic medicines.
Side effects: None

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Homeopathy for total cure - Register appointment today - mail@shubhamhomeopathy.com | Customer Care No. +91 - 9824538105