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Cajuput Oil

Acts like Oil of Cloves. A remedy for flatulence and affections of the tongue. Sense of enlargement. Causes copious diaphoresis. Retrocedent gout. Neuralgic affections not inflammatory. Nervous dyspnœa.

Head.--Feels much enlarged. As if he could not get himself together (Baptisia).

Mouth.--Persistent sensation of choking. Spasmodic stricture of œsophagus. Constricted sensation on swallowing solid food. Tongue feels swollen, fills whole mouth.

Stomach.--Hiccough, on slightest provocation.

Abdomen.--Flatulence colic; tympanites (Tereb). Nervous distention of bowels. Urine smells like cat's urine. Spasmodic cholera.

Modalities.--Worse, about 5 am; night.

Relationship.--Compare: Bovist; Nux mosch; Asaf; Ign; Bapt.

Dose.--First to third potency (5 drops of oil).

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Homeopathy for total cure - Register appointment today - mail@shubhamhomeopathy.com | Customer Care No. +91 - 9824538105