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Caulophyllum thalictroides



Blue Cohosh

This is a woman's remedy. Want of tonicity of the womb. During labor, when the pains are deficient and the patient is exhausted and fretful. Besides, it has a special affinity for the smaller joints. Thrush, locally and internally.

Stomach.--Cardialgia, spasms of stomach. Dyspepsia with spasmodic symptoms.

Female.--Extraordinary rigidity of os (Bell; Gels; Ver v). Spasmodic and severe pains, which fly in all directions; shivering, without progress; false pains. Revives labor pains and furthers progress of labor. After pains. Leucorrhœa, with moth-spots on forehead. Habitual abortion from uterine debility (Helon; Puls; Sab). Needle-like pains in cervix. Dysmenorrhœa, with pains flying to other parts of body. Lochia protracted; great atony. Menses and leucorrhœa profuse.

Skin.--Discoloration of skin in women with menstrual and uterine disorder.

Extremities.--Severe drawing, erratic pain and stiffness in small joints, fingers, toes, ankles, etc. Aching in wrists. Cutting pains on closing hands. Erratic pains, changing place every few minutes.

Relationship.--Incompatible: Coffea.

Compare: Viol. Odor (rheumatic carpal and metacarpal joints); Cimicif; Sepia; Pulsat; Gels.

Dose.--Tincture to third attenuation.

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Homeopathy for total cure - Register appointment today - mail@shubhamhomeopathy.com | Customer Care No. +91 - 9824538105